Abbeyleix Heritage House
Abbeyleix Heritage House is Laois' biggest history museum, community centre and business hub.
Pictured are copies of photographs from St. Brigid’s Pipe Band Abbeyleix! Any information/names would be greatly appreciated. ![]()
#Laois #curatortuesday #abbeyleixheritagetown #abbeyleixheritage #abbeyleixheritagehouse #foundinthearchives #UniqueHistory #Abbeyleix #vintage #localhistory #laoishistory #Irishhistory #oldphoto #archives #genealogy
Pictured is a chrome plated Miller’s Monarch carbide bicycle light from our archive. The lamp is stamped ‘British made’, and was made in Birmingham. Likely that the light was manufactured in the early 20th century.![]()
Millers made a variety of items for bicycles. H. Miller and Co. was founded in Birmingham in 1896. It was founded by Heinrich Möller, originally from Lubeck, Germany, who emigrated to England, changing his name to Henry Miller. ![]()
The company started out making oil and gas lamps. It soon began producing bicycle lamps, bringing great success. ![]()
It originally began in Aston, Birmingham, and soon had another factory established in Whitehouse Street, Birmingham. It moved to a site at Aston Brook Street c. 1919. The company also saw a further two factories being established, one of which was in India. ![]()
The factory in Aston Brook Street was bombed during the Birmingham Blitz by the German Luftwaffe in 1941.![]()
A more detailed account of the company's origins and development can be found at the following link:
millercapitalpartners.com/assets/files/downloads/H_Miller_Sept_16v12.pdf ![]()
#foundinthearchives #worldhistory #abbeyleixheritagehouse #Laois #bike #vintage #lamp #bicyclelamp #birmingham #Laois #museum #Artefact #UniqueHistory #abbeyleixheritage #Abbeyleix
This week's quiz is about Sports in Abbeyleix! 🏐![]()
Give it a go by:
Following the link forms.gle/R3YvwtejkTtnhmyf6 🎾
Going on our Instagram stories @ abbeyleixheritagehouse ⚽️![]()
Pictured: Abbeyleix hurle#LaoisL#abbeyleixheritagetowne#abbeyleixheritagei#abbeyleixheritagehouseh#TriviaThursdayr#GAA #sports#sportsp#quiz#quiz
Today’s CURATOR TUESDAY post is of ‘Leabhar Na hÉireann- the Irish Yearbook and Directory’ edited by former T.D, Alasdair Mac Caba, from 1921. Leabhair na hÉireann were books published to record and collect information from the time. The year 1921 was a turbulent year in Irish history, what with the Irish War of Independence ending in the summer of 1921. The Irish Yearbook and Directory contains information on Irish life at the time, providing statistics for areas such as trade, agriculture,education, the arts, and also featured advertisements. ![]()
Leabhair na hÉireann were published by the National Council or Sinn Féin, to promote the preservation and recording of Irish life and culture. ![]()
Alasdair MacCaba was born in Keash, co. Sligo on 5th June 1885 to parents John and Bridget ‘Beesy’ McCabe. His father was born in co. Longford, and was a member of the R.I.C.; his mother was a National school teacher. Alasdair had 5 siblings, 3 of which had passed away by the year 1911. Alasdair Mac Caba became a teacher, and attended UCD after receiving a scholarship. He lived with his mother and siblings after his father died in 1905 after contracting TB and suffering from complications.![]()
Mac Caba joined the IRB, and was initiated in 1913. He represented Connacht on the IRB Supreme Council. Mac Caba’s involvement with the IRB and republican causes cost him his job, after he was fired from his post after being arrested with possessing explosives, for which he was eventually acquitted. Mac Caba was supportive of the 1916 Easter Rising, and was involved in creating disruptions in the west of Ireland while the Rising took place. ![]()
Mac Caba went on the run until 1917. He was later sentenced to six months imprisonment for land agitation. Mac Caba went on hunger-strike, which caused him to be released, however he was later jailed again. MacCaba began to emerge as a political figure, and was first elected in 1918 as an MP for Sligo South, while also serving on the committee of foreign affairs for Dáil Éireann. He became a county councillor in 1920, not long before he was imprisoned in the Curragh camp. ![]()
Mac Caba was on the side of Pro-Treaty during the Irish Civil War, becoming a commandant in the newly established Free State national army. He joined Cumann na NGaedheal, and was a TD for the party.Mac Caba became editor of the Irish Yearbook in 1922. Mac Caba resigned from government in 1924 and joined the National Party, due to his conflicting views concerning the Curragh Mutiny.![]()
While Mac Caba’s political career was short-lived, he did return to teaching, and later established EBS, or the Educational Building Society. Controversially, Mac Caba was a member of a group called the Irish Friends of Germany, which were a group who supported the Nazis. Mac Caba believed that a German victory in the Second World War would in turn be victory for Ireland. He was interned in 1940 for holding said views. ![]()
Mac Caba worked within EBS for the remainder of his life. He passed away on 31st May 1972. ![]()
#curatortuesday #abbeyleixheritagehouse #irish #irishhistory #1916 #EasterRising #éire
Taking place every Thursday at 10am-12pm at Heritage House, a relaxed social group for parents and babies/toddlers. ![]()
3 euros per parent, with tea/coffee and biscuits provided.![]()
#Laois #abbeyleixheritagetown #abbeyleixheritage #abbeyleixheritagehouse #parentandtoddlergroup #parentandtoddler #community #parentandbaby #laoistourism
Abbeyleix Heritage House is Laois' biggest history museum, community centre and business hub.